Saturday, October 10, 2009

Next Is What ?

Q) When you experience total desirelessness, then how do you get the desire to act?

Sri Sri: You know we don’t act as the mind says, we act with commitment. Because mind says one day I don’t want to go to work. If you ask people who are working in offices, nobody’s mind wants them to go to office. If everyday is a Sunday, everybody will be very happy. If it’s a holiday, all the seven days, people would happily sit at home but life doesn’t work like that. So you have to commit and your life moves with commitment. Whether you like it or not you simply work.


Torrential rains over last one week have left over 200 people dead and rendered over 3,00,000 people homeless in the state. The floods have affected all 14 districts of state’s northern region.

According to official sources, over 26,000 houses have collapsed in North Karnataka. Most of the eleven districts in the region are inundated, as all the rivers are flowing above the danger mark. Road and rail transport services have also been disrupted.

Poojya Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar ji has been actively monitoring the situation and had visited some of the worst affected areas. Art of Living has started relief work in few of the worst affected villages (Buradepad, Thalamari) of Raichur district. More teams are being deployed as we identify more villages for relief work. We are in the process of mobilizing the relief material and resources for managing this situation.

We need cash donations for buying essential materials and rebuilding the houses.

Please issue the cheques / DDs in the name of ‘VVKI – DHARMA STAMBA YOJANA’ and mail to VVKI – Divine Karnataka Project, #1431-A, Ground Floor, 39th Cross, 22nd Main, 4th T Block, Bangalore -560 041. Or directly transfer the funds to: VVKI – DHARMA STAMBA YOJANA, STATE BANK OF INDIA, A/C NO: 10386328062, (please send a mail to with the details of Transferred amount and Date. Also in the transaction remark please put ‘ flood relief KAR ‘). For any donation above Rs. 1000/- , 80G certificate will provided.

You can also donate the essential items. WE NEED THE FOLLOWING ITEMS IMMEDIATELY:

Food Items:

Grains (Rice, maize), Dhal (Tuvar dhal, green gram), Biscuits, Tea Powder, Sugar, Milk Powder, Sooji (Upma Rava), MTR Ready to eat food packets etc.


Antibiotics, Electrol, Pain Killers, First Aid Kits, General medicines etc. Please ensure that the medicines are note expired and have the expiry date visible.

We request you to sort the materials and label the same (Rice in one packet, Sugar in packet etc). This will help us in reducing the processing time and minimize transportation costs.

Relief material can be sent to: VVKI – Divine Karnataka Project, #1431-A, Ground Floor, 39th Cross, 22nd Main, 4th T Block, Bangalore -560 041 OR please call 080-42173285, 9845589393, 9986487255 and our volunteers will pickup the material from your centers. For more info and status of relief work visit

For Divine Karnataka Project,

Nagaraj Gangolli

State Coordinator.

Bhajan Live

Q & A

Q: Destiny is decided at birth. Then why should we anything?

Sri Sri: To improve yourself is also a part of destiny. World is a combination of destiny and Karma. Some things can be changed, some things cannot be changed.

Q: You say, choice is yours, blessings are mine. Can I have both?

Sri Sri: A state of choicelessness is a blessing in life. If you get both you are very lucky.

Q: How to eliminate fear from our life and mind?
Sri Sri: Your love and service, ability to be friends with more people, deep meditation and prayer will eliminate fear. Fear is love upside down.

Q: Between childhood and adulthood, what transformed us?

Sri Sri: I also wonder. Tell me if you find an answer. Children as they grow are not taught to value some basic things in life like friendship, compassion, true love.

Q: I have a difficult experience with my father. How to let go?

Sri Sri: Don’t hold others responsible for you pain. See them as a postman only. Have compassion for them. Know that they are victims. Inside every culprit is a victim waiting to be healed. Talk to him as nothing has happened in the past. When you meet someone, uplift the whole atmosphere. Don’t demand explanations. Enthuse people, cheer them up. You want good company but you yourself are not a good company. You put down people. If we can be good then we can get peace inside.

Q: What is real and unreal in creation? What is its purpose?

Sri Sri: This is the ultimate question. Don’t be in a hurry to get an answer. Why are there so many types of plants, people, noses etc? Why we have 2 eyes, 2 ears etc and they do one job and we just have one mouth and it does 2 jobs, eating and talking. Wonder about all this and the creation.

Q: People blindly worship Guru? Is it ok? Shouldn't they just worship the divine?

Sri Sri: Why does somebody adore someone else? In college, rock starts, movie stars, sports players are adored. This adulation is part of human nature. Deep inside it is your ability to appreciate and honor good qualities. This adulation of Gurus has come down the ages. In the East, people took pride in their Gurus. There was a lot of respect but it’s missing in the students now. They throw tomatoes at their teachers. We have now gone to the other extreme.

When your life is full, you get a feeling of gratitude. You start with the Guru and end up adoring everything in life. Guru is just a beginning. In India there is festival in October when people worship everything from cars, scooters etc. Everything is venerated. Divine dwells in every particle. In East the traditions was that before cutting a tree, you have to plant 5 more. An innocent mind sees life everywhere. Life has to be honored, adored. If you cannot do this, then what else is left in life? It is so dry, just eat, drink and sleep. Whenever you praise, the praise goes to the divine. If you praise your Guru, the praise goes to the divine. When you praise someone, your own consciousness is expanding. So for your own sake, adore and venerate others.

Q: How to deal with when you love someone and you are not loved back?

Sri Sri: It’s a challenge. Your love is not dependent on their love. Love is not a business. I love you, as I have no choice but to love. Love is not an action but a state. Either you express love in its natural form or in it’s opposite forms like jealousy, greed and hatred.

Q: How can I have faith?

Sri Sri: Don’t struggle. Forget it. Do you have faith in the fact that you don’t have faith?

Q: Give me more grace?

Sri Sri: There is a story about grace. A couple of years ago at the immigration at the airport, they asked me 'Where do you come from?' I said 'I come from the clouds'. They said 'what do you do?' I said 'I bless people'. They were so surprised and smiled. I thought they were very serious at that time and wanted some humor.

Q: How to remain positive when you are surrounded by negativity?

Sri Sri: You should influence them. When you talk to someone, talk about knowledge. Everything is changing, body changes, environment changes, feelings, emotions, thoughts, and friends. Recognize this change. There is a reference point which is not changing. Step into that which doesn’t change.

Q: What is the significance of the feet of the master? Why do people touch your feet?

Sri Sri: I ask people not to touch my feet. Not to bend down, otherwise the blessings will go to the other person behind you. You should just fold your hands and bow down. Touching feet is a culture India, a way to show respect. When you bow down, the ego melts. I would prefer that you people don’t bend down and touch my feet.

Q: How can I resolve power struggle with my husband?

Sri Sri: With skill. One who has real power won’t exercise it. One who doesn’t have power tries to exercise it. There is a story about Mulah Nasserudin. He had a fight with his wife and he hid under the bed. Then the doorbell rang and his wife asked him to come out. He said, 'No I won’t come out, let them know who is the boss in the house'.

Q: Why are things which keep us from spirituality so intensely pleasurable? Is the divine perversely mischievous?

Sri Sri: If you don’t indulge in anything, it’s ok. But indulging makes you weak. Look at the people in the sex industry, they look so sad. Enlightenment is when you find all these things are petty. You are joy, you are love. Don't blame sex, food etc. Moderation is the law. With your own intensity you get feverish. There is a story about Shona (Buddha's disciple). He was a prince. He indulged in sex and he got so tired. He asked his girlfriend to remove her bangles as the sound was bothering him so much. He was so fragile that the bangles sound could disturb him. Then he met Buddha. Meeting Buddha made all other pleasures insignificant. He wanted to become like Buddha. So he became a monk. Nobody could believe it. He went into deep penance. Fasted and didn’t wear proper clothes.

After some months, someone told Buddha about him. Buddha went to him and told him: 'You've played the Veena. If the strings are too tight, then there is no music, similarly if the strings are too loose then also there is no music. Tuning is important. Same in life. You are going from one extreme to another. Be on the middle path.' So eat, sleep, have sex, meditate in moderation.

Q: About early death?

Sri Sri: Universe is mysterious, not every bud blooms and not every wave rises. You can only wonder about it. Don’t try to understand it.

Q: How to avoid entanglement in others’ drama?

Sri Sri: Be skillful in communicating. It’s alright to show that you are upset even if you are not. No one can understand your depth. You yourself cannot understand it. Our consciousness is infinite. Entire divinity is there inside you.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


A: Form and Formless

Life is a combination of form and formless.

Feelings have no form but their expressions have form.

The Self has no form but its abode has form.

Similarly, wisdom and grace have no form but are expressed through form.

Discarding the formless, you become inert, materialistic and paranoid.

Discarding the form, you become a lost ascetic, a space cadet or an emotional junk!

B: Aggression and Intuition

Aggression and assertiveness overshadow intuition.

Often, people who are sensitive tend to become aggressive in order to avoid being hurt.

In this process, they lose sight of the fine intuition.

Fine intuition needs sensitivity; sensitivity is often painful.

In order to avoid pain one becomes aggressive and assertive, and in turn loses one's intuitive ability.

Intuition is close to the truth.

To be truthful, you don't need to be aggressive and assertive!

Often, aggression and assertiveness thrive on the idea of truthfulness.


Guruji delivered the keynote address at the World Presidents Organization (WPO), which was lauded by a standing ovation.

Over 3,000 people participated in the Shivratri celebrations at Rishikesh, where the all-night satsang and darshan line culminated in a live kriya at dawn.

Following Guruj's visit, 28 basic courses with nearly 8,500 participants have started this week in Ahmedabad.

Around 60 AOL teachers are in Rishikesh, planning strategies to develop various areas. Prison programs and 5H programs are in full swing all over India.

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From Sri Sri

Q. If we must give our hundred percent to everything we do, is multi-tasking a good idea?

Sri Sri: Yes. You have to develop into a multifaceted person. To get there, you need focus. Give your hundred percent and grow into a multifaceted person. Give your hundred percent whether you eat, walk or meditate. You have so many capabilities. Do not under estimate your capacity. When you find yourself too spread, scattered, or stressed, then just stick to one task and expand your capabilities. If you are a good team player, then definitely you can do it.

Q. Could you please tell us what we could do to make you proud of us?

Sri Sri: I have already said it. All the five points that you learn in the Art of Living course. Know them from an existential level, from your heart and being, not just the head. Opposite values are complementary. Accept people and situations as they are. Do not be a foot ball of other people’s opinions. Give your hundred percent. Forgive and forget the past. (You can make me proud) by being useful to the society, by not wasting your time. Keep yourself busy.

Q. What is the way to let go off lokeshna (desire for praise of people), putreshna (desire for children) and vitteshna (greed and influence of money)?

Sri Sri: Bhakti (devotion) is an easy way to get rid of all these desires. In devotion, we are ready to die and nothing seems like a botheration. There is no question of lokeshna in a devotee as devotees are always crazy (in love). To a devotee, everyone will seem like his own child, so there is no putreshna.

Vitteshna also will be dropped as a devotee will have all the siddhis (powers) and will get whatever he wants as the Master of the world belongs to him.

There is no need to try and make an effort to get rid of these. It will happen naturally. Once you know that you have this eshna (desire), half of it drops there and the rest will go away when you surrender to the Divine.

Yet, if putreshna takes over you, just fulfill your duty for your children and be at peace. Don’t try to fight it.

Q. How to strengthen dispassion?

Sri Sri: Without dispassion, sadhana (spiritual practices) won’t work. When mind is caught up in entanglements then sadhana is not possible. Once dispassion is there, sadhana becomes very simple. Also with sadhana the mind is cleansed and dispassion arises.

Q. How to develop an interest in what we don’t like, for instance studies and pranayama?

Sri Sri: It is not necessary to do only what you like. Know it clearly that studies are for your good. Otherwise life won’t run! You do not brush your teeth every day with love. If you don’t like to brush and stop doing it, you will lose your teeth. You know that it is good for your health and it is vital to do it.

Similarly there are some things in life that we can’t do without - studying is one of them. Make a habit of reading a scripture first thing in the morning. Similarly do some pranayama for at least 10 minutes. Breath is anyways flowing. Direct it here and there. If it keeps diseases away, then why not do it?

Like you brush your teeth for dental hygiene, pranayamas maintain your mental hygiene!

And to have a sharp intellect you need to study, otherwise you will regret it later. You buy a dress from the shop and the time you bring it home, you dislike it. Buddhi Yoga (Intellect Yoga) is the best. Manmaani karna, following your feelings is inviting misery.

Q. How to bring naturalness with skillfulness. Isn’t a skillful person being unnatural?

Sri Sri: There is no clash between skillfulness and naturalness. You are worrying unnecessarily. Lord Krishna was sahaj (natural) and kushal (skillful). Do not confuse kuyukti (manipulation) with kushalta (skillfulness). Skillfulness goes with naturalness and not manipulation or betrayal.

Naturalness and simplicity do not imply being foolish or unskillful.

Believe that you are intelligent, skilful and natural.

Q. How to increase our competence to receive knowledge?

Sri Sri: Just have thirst, it comes naturally. There is no special competence required, a mere thirst is enough.

Q. How to recognize and let go of the doership we are holding on to?

Sri Sri: Doership leads to suffocation, misery and guilt. Know that when you are natural and in surrender, doership dissolves automatically. You surrender only that which has happened, which is past. Future is anyways out of your control.

We burden the mind with the memories of the past. Let go of the event which has gone and left its shadow, impression in the consciousness. What else can you surrender? Money, leaves, etc already belong to the Divine. Surrendering doership, ‘mine’, ‘me’ is surrender.

Q. Ashwathama (from the Mahabharata) is supposed to be immortal. Do you know about his whereabouts?

Sri Sri: All the beings are immortal. The term ‘immortal’ could be used in two senses. One, as being alive in memory. Like Rama, Krishna, Buddha are names, characters and impressions in your consciousness. Two, if you take it literally it means that the spirit can never die.

Kansa, Ravana, Krishna, Rama are all immortal in the form of Supreme Consciousness. When someone great dies, we say may they be immortal. Even when bodies die, their name is remembered for years. People are remembered for their bravery for centuries.

Q. How to decide the right time and place to start something?

Sri Sri: You have an intellect. Why don’t you use it? Use your viveka (discretion) and buddhi (intellect). Who answers you always? For how long can someone tell you what to do! If you have to take a very big decision, then you may go and consult someone senior. Otherwise take your own decisions – even if you make a mistake in the first few instances.

Q. Even in Indralok (heaven), apsaras (Celestial nymphs) like Menaka, Urvashi were used. The same thing continues even now on earth. Why is it so?

Sri Sri: Menaka and Urvashi were made to dance in the Indralok and stories like these are all just to tell you that whatever is there in the world, exists in heaven too. It is said there is sukh (joy) in heaven but not love. Don’t imagine heaven to be in some other place.

Dive in your consciousness which is an embodiment of bliss. The joy derived from the outside world is limited. To explain this, such stories were created.

In heaven too, there is attachment and complaints. Beings fall for each other and also fight. So there is not much difference between heaven and earth. Better make this earth a heaven and be free from it and dive in the blissful consciousness. This is the saar (essence) of sadhana.

Q. What is atma (soul) and paramatma(Supreme Self) ?

Sri Sri: First, understand atma. Beyond it, is paramatma. These are the two sides of the same coin. Atma means ‘I’. There are two kinds of ‘I’. One is the ego, which says I am something.

And the other I, the maipan (‘i’ness- awareness of existence) in us, is that from which we listen, understand and do nothing. That is atma. Once we experience it, we go beyond the first ‘I’.

We can see that my soul is in everyone. Then we say sohum- I am that. There is no difference between Him and me.

Q. I have to choose between my family and knowledge as they are not into knowledge. I feel suffocated and wish to leave my family. What to do?

Sri Sri: You are receiving knowledge so that you stay in the family and give them knowledge. Do it with skill. A doctor is required among patients only. Not all the patients are cured by the doctor, but still they don’t stop treating. Give them as much knowledge as you can with skill. Do not try to show off your wisdom to them. Educate them, advice them but don’t get carried away by the force of their ignorance. Hold on to satsang with one hand. Also, once someone gets the taste of satsang it is not easy to get rid of it.

You are very powerful. Pray and take up a sankalpa (intention) that your family gets interested in knowledge. It does make a difference. We are unaware of the power of the mind, the strength in sankalpa. That is why we remain miserable.

Q. Is there a way to understand the course of karma?

Sri Sri: Gehana Karmonogati - who knows the way of karma? It is so deep. Even great sages get confused over what is karma and what is to be done. It is never ending. Every action will have some flaw.

There is no one standard to measure it. Jains had put Krishna in hell because of his sins of creating many wars. Then they saw his good deeds and put him in heaven. Do karma according to the intellect. An action which inspires you with enthusiasm and energy, even if it has flaws is worth doing. Leaving your karma by sitting idle is inappropriate.

There is some flaw in the best of the action. For instance, a teacher earns his salary by teaching students. If children were born wise there would be no need for teachers.

A doctor’s job depends on someone’s illness. Lawyers would not be required if there were no quarrels. Their sukh (joy) depends on others’ fights. In every interaction, you will see some flaw. If you focus on the flaws everywhere, the world will not work.

Be gungrahi (imbibing virtues) - put your attention wherever there are positive qualities. The wise give inspiration to everyone for their work. There is no big or small work - every work is respectable.
(From the Office of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar)

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