Friday, April 9, 2010

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar takes health on priority

Apr 6,2010

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on healthWhile commenting on the health of so-called urban progressive people, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in his write-up in a national daily says, “Today, people spend all their health in earning wealth and then spend all their wealth in regaining their lost health. And, we consider it a sign of progress.”

Here is the ABC of health culled out of the thoughts of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

A: Acquiring mental calm and emotional softness is true health;
B: Biggest cause of the urban health problem is the stress;
C: Clean and hygienic mind is the key to health;
D: Don’t treat your body and mind as bins to first dump in the trash and than clean them;
E: Emotions have become rough in urban society to cause mental ill health.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar recommends that the practice of yoga, pranayama and meditation to gain holistic health.

You move from one perfection to another higher perfection'

Bangalore ashram, Feb. 6:

Q: Guruji, I often see people bow down to you. Is doing all that necessary?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: No, no, not at all. These things are really insignificant. You know, these outer gestures are insignificant. Don’t give too much importance to them. All these gestures don’t matter. We all are connected from a deeper level, level of heart. That’s how we have met and we are all here.

Q: Yesterday you talked about leela(game). One can comprehend it intellectually but how to make it an inner experience?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You don’t have to make it an experience. You simply have to wake up and see life is a game. Wake up this moment when I am speaking. Whatever happened till now, is it not like a dream? You had dinner this evening, meditated in themorning, did yoga in morning and went to bed last night, and if you go to your own memory there were good events, bad events, you had profit, you had loss but right this moment it’s all gone.

Wake up this moment and see from tomorrow to the next 10 years is also like a dream! When you realize this whole phenomenon that has happened in the past and future is all like a play, a game. You don’t have to think this is a concept and I have to experience it. My dear, memory is memory. Your thinking that you have to experience memory is a concept and your thinking that you don’t have it is again a concept. You simply have to realize right away it is a dream. This could be a dream. That very moment you feel a sense of relief. A soothing wave overtakes you. Don’t wait that someday you will experience it’s all a game.

May be after you leave the body you will experience one day. Then also you will realize I could have done that much before.

Q: What is difference between dispassion and indifference?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Well, in indifference there is a sense of apathy, rejection and disappointment. In dispassion there is joy and enthusiasm.

Q: Do we all have a purpose in life or we can all come and go when it is? If there is one purpose what is it?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You know it’s best to take out paper and pen, and list out what is not the purpose of life. By negating it will be easier for you.

Q: Is Guruji the best Guru? Is Art of Living the best spiritual path? People say it is the best. Isn’t it a seed of war, calling my belief to be the best? The symbols of other religions in Vishalakshi Mantap (meditation hall in the ashram) tell us that all other religions are also good.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I leave it up to you. You discuss and decide. Go through all the confusion and come to your own conclusion. I never say it is the best and I also don’t say it is not the best. It is up to you.

It will not be the truth to say it is not the best. And it sounds very funny for whenever someone says, ‘it is the best’, you have a sort of resistance for that. So sometimes some of these questions are best not answered. I am not here to clarify your doubts. I am here to create more doubts.

Doubt is always about something which is positive. When somebody tells you ‘I love you’ and you say ‘really’. But do you say really when somebody says ‘I hate you’? You doubt your capabilities and you never doubt your weaknesses. You are so sure of your weaknesses. You doubt in the honesty of people and never in their dishonesty. Nature of doubt is such that it always clings to something which is positive. So if you have a doubt I will encourage you that this is very positive.

Q: Guruji you said to be a perfectionist is cause of stress. Yet everything about you is so perfect. You are perfect, your actions are perfect, your words are perfect, your understanding of God is so perfect, this Ashram is perfect and so many other things. What is the difference between your perfect thinking or, mine or ours?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Just that you have to look yourself in the mirror. That’s it. You move from perfection to perfection. You move from one perfection to another higher perfection. That’s how you have to look at life. Otherwise you see this is not perfect , everything is imperfect, everything is hopeless. And we tend to get into negative framework. Isn’t it?

Q: What is upanishad?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Sitting close by and listening is Upanishad. Upanishad is a collection of discourses of high knowledge, how it was transmitted from a Master to students. It is very interesting.

In one of the Upanishads, it is beautifully said. Once a boy goes to his father who is also his Guru and asked what is God. Father replied, ‘Food is God’ for everything grows from food, everything is sustained by food and in the lack of it, everything dissolves and everything again becomes food. So the boy went and thought about it for several months, understood all about food and came back to his father, and again asked ‘What is God?’

The father, also his Guru, said, ‘Prana is God’. The boy went, thought and understood all about prana, how it is going in and out of the body, how many types of prana are there and read all experiments about prana.

He again came back to his father and asked, ‘What is God?’ The father looked at child’s face, so glowing and so vibrant. Father said, 'Ok, the mind is Brahman, mind is God.' Like that, the boy went and thought till he finds the ultimate bliss. Neither the student complaint to the teacher that he was told, ‘Food is God, but it is not the ultimate, you told me the wrong thing'. He simply came and again asked the question. So this is ancient way of teaching step by step – food, then prana, then the mind, then the inner spirit, then the universal spirit, bliss.

Bliss is Divinity, the space. You are like the space. Then he said, 'There is no difference between you, me and the infinite self. We all are one. The Self, Guru and the universal energy are not different. All are made up of one substance. Today if you talk to scientists who study string theory, who study quantum physics they will say the same thing that is said in the upanishads. In upanishads, it was said thousands of years ago, ‘God is not a person, sitting somewhere up in heaven but God is present everywhere. He is omnipresent and omnipotent, the energy of which you are also made up of, everything is made up of’.

“That which you cannot express is Love.
That which you cannot reject/renounce is Beauty.
That which you cannot avoid is the Truth.”
~ Sri Sri Ravishankar

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


When do you appreciate someone? When they do something that is unusual,not ordinary, and not their nature. Isn't it so?

For example, when a wicked person doesn't create a problem then you appreciate them. Or, when somebody you think is not good does a good act, then you appreciate them. Also, when a good person does something extraordinary, then you appreciate them. If a child made you a cup of tea, you would appreciate it, but if a mother made the same cup of tea, you would not likely appreciate it because it is a normal act for her. In the same way, you appreciate getting a ride from someone you don't know, but you don't necessarily appreciate it from a bus driver.

In all these cases, those acts are temporary, out of character, or not their nature. So when you appreciate someone for something, you imply that it is not the way they are usually.

Robin : What if a person wants to be appreciated?
Sri Sri : That means that it is not in their nature, and that is why they want to be appreciated. If it is not coming from their nature it is an imposed act. So when you appreciate someone you simply imply that it is not their nature, it is not the way they usually are. It is a rare act or quality. Appreciation implies a sense of separateness or distance, so watch out when you appreciate someone!


'Antarnaad' - An enthralling symphony of 2000 Hindustani Classical Vocalists in the Divine presence of H H Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji.

Date: 12 Jan 2010
Time: 6 pm onwards
Location: SP college ground, Pune


2000 Hindustani Classical Vocalists to perform on one stage - First time in the history of music!

A platform to showcase Hindustani classical music.

Celebrities from the music fraternity like Pt. Rajan & Sajan Misra, Shankar Mahadevan, Chitra Roy
and other Celebrity Singers to perform together on one stage.

Event coordinated by Shri Shashi Vyas.

An event slated to enter the Guinness Book of World Records.

Meditation by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji.

Estimated audience of about 1 lakh.

Q & A

Q: How can you think big without being ambitious?

Sri Sri: Thoughts don't come with your permission. They just come and just go. But ambition is something, which stays in your mind for a longer time.

Q: What is witness consciousness? (Shakshi Bhav)

Sri Sri: Wait... (Looking for something on the seat). Wait... (Running his fingers through His hair). Wait..
(Crowd laughs) I did not ask you to laugh, I said just wait.

See what is happening to your mind? That is Shakshi Bhav...the witnessing consciousness. When you are listening without reacting, that is witness consciousness. For example if you are at the airport and there is a flight announcement for another flight. What do you do? Just witness without reacting. Right? Similarly you are at the railway platform with many other people whom you don't know. In a while some trains come and those people get into their respective trains and go. What do think you are doing at that moment? You are simply witnessing. Do you see what I am saying?

Q: What do you do when someone thinks you are dumb, because of your acceptance?

Sri Sri: (Wearing a pair of cute pink color large glares). To me the whole world is pink now!! (Laughter) Do you know what does pink symbolize? Pink is the loving, adorable and innocence. If someone feels you are dumb, you need to change your glass. (Sri Sri switches over to a blue pair of glares, which had a blinking blue light. The entire crowd bursts into laughter). Blue indicates vastness. The infinite. (Laughter)

Q: Change is inevitable, change is unavoidable, yet why is it so difficult to handle that change? Why is accepting the situation which is the result of the change alone becomes so difficult?

Sri Sri: Tell me what is the easiest thing to do for you? To accept or not accept. (Laughter!!) Is 'not accepting' easy for you? I don't think so. By 'not accepting' you loose your sleep!! The person who has triggered the event is sleeping well. But it is you who has lost sleep over the event by not accepting it. If you don't forgive you start suffering within yourself. Don't forgive anyone and see the suffering that is happening in you. Is suffering easy?!? No, its not easy. It affects your health. It affects your observation, expression and perception.

Q: There is so much fight between the people from various religions. The Shias are fighting the Sunnis. The Israelis are fighting the Iraqis. There is a war with Lebanon. How can we diminish this war between countries on the basis of religion?

Sri Sri: Only through Spirituality you can remove such differences. All you need to do is just educate, educate and educate them...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Next Is What ?

Q) When you experience total desirelessness, then how do you get the desire to act?

Sri Sri: You know we don’t act as the mind says, we act with commitment. Because mind says one day I don’t want to go to work. If you ask people who are working in offices, nobody’s mind wants them to go to office. If everyday is a Sunday, everybody will be very happy. If it’s a holiday, all the seven days, people would happily sit at home but life doesn’t work like that. So you have to commit and your life moves with commitment. Whether you like it or not you simply work.


Torrential rains over last one week have left over 200 people dead and rendered over 3,00,000 people homeless in the state. The floods have affected all 14 districts of state’s northern region.

According to official sources, over 26,000 houses have collapsed in North Karnataka. Most of the eleven districts in the region are inundated, as all the rivers are flowing above the danger mark. Road and rail transport services have also been disrupted.

Poojya Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar ji has been actively monitoring the situation and had visited some of the worst affected areas. Art of Living has started relief work in few of the worst affected villages (Buradepad, Thalamari) of Raichur district. More teams are being deployed as we identify more villages for relief work. We are in the process of mobilizing the relief material and resources for managing this situation.

We need cash donations for buying essential materials and rebuilding the houses.

Please issue the cheques / DDs in the name of ‘VVKI – DHARMA STAMBA YOJANA’ and mail to VVKI – Divine Karnataka Project, #1431-A, Ground Floor, 39th Cross, 22nd Main, 4th T Block, Bangalore -560 041. Or directly transfer the funds to: VVKI – DHARMA STAMBA YOJANA, STATE BANK OF INDIA, A/C NO: 10386328062, (please send a mail to with the details of Transferred amount and Date. Also in the transaction remark please put ‘ flood relief KAR ‘). For any donation above Rs. 1000/- , 80G certificate will provided.

You can also donate the essential items. WE NEED THE FOLLOWING ITEMS IMMEDIATELY:

Food Items:

Grains (Rice, maize), Dhal (Tuvar dhal, green gram), Biscuits, Tea Powder, Sugar, Milk Powder, Sooji (Upma Rava), MTR Ready to eat food packets etc.


Antibiotics, Electrol, Pain Killers, First Aid Kits, General medicines etc. Please ensure that the medicines are note expired and have the expiry date visible.

We request you to sort the materials and label the same (Rice in one packet, Sugar in packet etc). This will help us in reducing the processing time and minimize transportation costs.

Relief material can be sent to: VVKI – Divine Karnataka Project, #1431-A, Ground Floor, 39th Cross, 22nd Main, 4th T Block, Bangalore -560 041 OR please call 080-42173285, 9845589393, 9986487255 and our volunteers will pickup the material from your centers. For more info and status of relief work visit

For Divine Karnataka Project,

Nagaraj Gangolli

State Coordinator.